Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Desktop summit 2011: A reason to dislike some of my friends

 Being a firefighter is a work I love. Some of the things I learned to live without are summer vacations, camping, fishing and sailing. I gave up those pleasures of life due to my love and commitment to my work. This of course doesn't make me less jealous when some of my friends are doing things I REALLY love  to do too.

 My friends Stathis, Stella and Theo are going to  Desktop Summit, an event I would really love to go. Also this Summer DS is in Berlin, a city that I always wanted to go and actually planned a trip there for more than 2 times and always on the last minute something happened and the trip was canceled. They are going there and they will be with Jos Poortvliet and Izabele Valverde from openSUSE whom I missed a lot since the marketing Hackfest, also they will meet Andreas Jaeger before me and yes I dislike them for that too. They will also do a lot of things I wanted to do, see a lot of interesting events, participate in workshops and be on those DS party that I heard are amazing.

I just hope that they will bring me back a lot of presents in order to gain my sympathy  again ;-)

Go there and have a great time people as I am sure you will, maybe next year will go together...


  1. firefighter sounds great!
    πως τα περάσατε στο 1ο openSUSE collaboration weekend camp?

  2. Πολύ καλά ήταν, πολύ δουλειά, πολύ μπύρα, πολύ καφέδες, πολύ πισίνα, με αποτέλεσμα μετά από το τέλος πολύ κούραση και πολύ πονοκέφαλο....

  3. αχ, έτσι είναι τα ωραία!
    έχουν το τίμημά τους.
