Thursday, May 9, 2013

Organizing oSC13 - 70 days before

For more than a year I am living in the heat of organizing the next openSUSE Conference, first it was oSC12  and about a year ago it became oSC13. At some point it even became organizing no oSC at all for what it counts but we manage to prove ourselves again and we finally got oSC 2013. I knew from the first moment and maybe even some moments before that, that this would be a hell of a work. I even knew that I will regret it many times for some moments when everything will seem to go to hell and I will stand there asking myself 'What the Fuck did you do dude?' , but as usual I went against common sense and I followed my instinct, it worked when I started with Stathis the Greek community, it also worked some times before.
Disappointment is what I felt most of the times and other than the love for FOSS I really don't see another reason to do such a thing as organizing a conference, at least no other that acts as a countermeasure to disappointment when that comes. Beside that, it is a great life experience and it gets you closer to what you are made of which is great if you are into that kind of inner research.
Disappointment comes from anywhere and especially from people that told you that they will be there to help. I was lucky at that since there was always Stella who 70 days before and a year after is still standing and Henne who is just doing things, even when I got burned and could not work at all for some time those guys where there. It is great to have a co-pilots, if someone out there is looking on doing something like organizing a Conference that big he/she should find someone like them or just contact them :D

Now there is a bright side of course to all that but after 13 hours in front of 2 screens I find it dificult to describe it, maybe in Day 69 since my purpose is to blog every day up to the conference day.

For today all I can say is that I am hugely happy with myself since I finished more than double the tasks I planned for today and I just realize I still were my work uniform, I have a meeting in Skype now and after that I will have a bath and sleep. Nice thing that people cannot actually smell you through Skype :D


  1. Thanks to all the Greek community around oSC13 !!
    You are doing a great job! I hope everything goes ok!!

    Spreading your work, and this great choice for the community!!

    Have a lot of fun too Greekos!!

  2. The Greek openSUSE community is amazing - it will be a fantastic conference!


  3. The Greek openSUSE community is amazing - oSC13 will be fantastic!

  4. The Greek openSUSE community is amazing - oSC13 will be fantastic!

  5. The Greek openSUSE community is amazing - oSC13 will be fantastic!

  6. The Greek openSUSE community is amazing - oSC13 will be fantastic!

  7. Cmon, admit it. You just want to look more crispy than me at oSC13! But I'll strike back, I've already ironed my toga! You'll see ;-)

  8. Really looking forward to it! Kostas, you and all the others there are doing a great job!

    -- Now, would you or Stella please respond to my emails about the sponsoring?! ;-)
